2nd Week in Ordinary Time

In this week’s first reading, Isaiah prophesies a servant who will restore Israel and be a light to the nations. In the second reading, Paul and Sosthenes send greetings to the church of God that is in Corinth. In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist sees Jesus and proclaims him to be the Lamb of God.

Today's readings center on God's call. All of those called - Isaiah, Saint Paul, Sosthenes, and John the Baptist - have a special vocation from God to bear witness to his name and foster holiness among his people. God equips those so chosen with grace, honor, and strength to carry out their mission. He calls and equips us, too. May we always God's call is an invitation to service, honor, and holiness.

Rev. Douglas Hunter

Fr. Douglas Hutner is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He serves as a Chaplain to Roncalli High School, Indianapolis Colts, and Southport Police Department. 


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Epiphany of the Lord