Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

As we celebrate Palm Sunday, we are reminded of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, as he was welcomed with shouts of "Hosanna" and branches of palm trees. However, this joyful scene is quickly overshadowed by the events that follow in Matthew 26:14-27:66, which describe the passion and death of Jesus. I would like to reflect on some of the themes that emerge from this text and what they mean for us as we enter into Holy Week.

The humility of Christ: In his passion, Jesus demonstrates a profound humility that is a model for us all. He willingly submits to arrest, trial, and crucifixion, despite his innocence, out of love for us and obedience to the Father. As we enter into Holy Week, we are called to follow his example and embrace humility as a path to spiritual growth and deeper relationship with God.

The power of prayer: Throughout the passion narrative, Jesus is depicted as a man of prayer, who turns to the Father in times of distress and agony. He models for us the importance of cultivating a deep and intimate prayer life, even in the midst of suffering and uncertainty. As we journey through Holy Week, we are invited to deepen our own prayer practices and to trust in God's guidance and grace.

The cost of discipleship: The disciples of Jesus play a complex role in the passion narrative, from the betrayal of Judas to the denial of Peter and the scattering of the rest. Through their actions, we see the high cost of discipleship and the challenges that come with following Jesus. As we reflect on their example, we are invited to consider our own commitment to discipleship and the ways in which we might be called to follow Jesus more closely in our daily lives.

The meaning of the cross: Finally, the passion narrative calls us to reflect on the meaning of the cross, which is at the heart of our faith. Through Jesus' sacrifice, we are reconciled to God and given the promise of eternal life. As we contemplate the suffering and death of Jesus, we are called to embrace the cross as a symbol of hope and salvation, and to renew our commitment to living out our faith in service to others.

As we enter into Holy Week, may we be open to the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and may we be transformed by the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. May the story of the passion inspire us to deepen our faith and to renew our commitment to building the kingdom of God in our world. Hosanna in the highest!

Rev. Douglas Hunter

Fr. Douglas Hutner is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He serves as a Chaplain to Roncalli High School, Indianapolis Colts, and Southport Police Department.

Holy Thursday


5th Sunday of Lent