Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

On this most blessed and holy day of Easter Sunday, we celebrate the triumph of life over death, the victory of light over darkness, and the gift of eternal life that comes to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In John 20:1-10, we read of the incredible encounter between Mary Magdalene and the risen Lord, and the profound impact that this encounter had on her life and on the life of the Church. As a Catholic theologian, I would like to reflect on some of the key themes that emerge from this text and what they mean for us as we celebrate the resurrection.

The reality of the resurrection: The story of the empty tomb and the encounter between Mary Magdalene and the risen Lord is a powerful reminder of the reality of the resurrection. It is not a myth or a symbol, but an actual historical event that has transformed the course of human history. As we celebrate the resurrection, we are invited to embrace the reality of this event and to allow it to transform our lives.

The power of love: Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Lord was marked by a profound sense of love and intimacy. She recognized Jesus when he called her by name, and she was overcome with joy and gratitude at the sight of him. As we celebrate the resurrection, we are reminded of the power of love to overcome even the greatest of obstacles, and to transform our lives and the world around us.

The call to mission: After encountering the risen Lord, Mary Magdalene was filled with a sense of mission and purpose. She went to the disciples and proclaimed the good news of the resurrection, becoming one of the first evangelists of the Church. As we celebrate the resurrection, we too are called to be witnesses to the incredible grace and power of God, and to share the good news of the resurrection with all those around us.

The promise of eternal life: Finally, the story of the resurrection reminds us of the promise of eternal life that comes to us through Jesus Christ. Through his death and resurrection, he has conquered sin and death, and offers us the promise of eternal life with him. As we celebrate the resurrection, we are invited to embrace this promise and to live with the hope and confidence that comes from knowing that our lives are forever transformed by the grace of the risen Lord.

As we celebrate the resurrection on this most blessed and holy day, may we be inspired by the example of Mary Magdalene and the other disciples who encountered the risen Lord, and may we be filled with the hope and joy of the resurrection that is to come. May we embrace the reality of the resurrection, allow the power of love to transform our lives, respond to the call to mission and witness, and live with the promise of eternal life always before us. Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Rev. Douglas Hunter

Fr. Douglas Hutner is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He serves as a Chaplain to Roncalli High School, Indianapolis Colts, and Southport Police Department. 


3rd Sunday of Easter


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