4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

In this week’s Gospel (cf. Mark 1:21-28), we find Jesus teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. What sets this teaching apart is the authority with which Jesus speaks, captivating the attention of those present. The people are astonished at His wisdom, recognizing that His words carry a divine weight.

Suddenly, a man with an unclean spirit appears, disrupting the moment's tranquility. The encounter between Jesus and the possessed man unveils a profound truth – the authority of Jesus extends even over the spiritual realm. With a mere command, Jesus rebukes the unclean spirit, compelling it to leave the man. This miraculous event not only showcases Jesus’ divine authority but also emphasizes the power of His word to liberate and heal.

We are invited to consider the synagogues of our hearts. Are we open to Jesus’ authoritative teachings, allowing them to penetrate the depths of our being? Do we recognize the unclean spirits within us – those attitudes, habits, or fears that distance us from God?

Just as Jesus liberated the possessed man, He desires to free us from whatever binds us. Ordinary time serves as a reminder that our daily lives are sacred, filled with opportunities to encounter Jesus and let His authoritative word transform us. Let us approach the Scriptures with awe, recognizing the living presence of Christ in His teachings. May we, like those in the synagogue, be astonished at the authority of Jesus and surrender to the healing power of His word, allowing Him to reign supreme in our hearts.

Rev. Douglas Hunter

Fr. Douglas Hutner is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He serves as a Chaplain to Roncalli High School, Indianapolis Colts, and Southport Police Department. 


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