4th Sunday of Advent

In this week's readings, Isaiah prophesies that the Lord will give his people a sign: A virgin shall conceive and give birth to a son and will name him Emmanuel. Paul introduces himself to the Romans as one called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God, specifically among the Gentiles. In the Gospel, Matthew recounts how the birth of Jesus Christ came to pass in accordance with Isaiah's prophecy.

The prophet Isaiah reaffirms the promise of a savior for his people, a savior born under unusual circumstances who would clearly be God's chosen one. After many years had passed since that promise - years in which the Lord continued to guide and prepare his people - we hear of its fulfillment in Matthew's Gospel. In this final week of Advent, let us rejoice and praise God, for he is faithful and keeps his promises.

Rev. Douglas Hunter

Fr. Douglas Hutner is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He serves as a Chaplain to Roncalli High School, Indianapolis Colts, and Southport Police Department. 


Christmas Eve


3rd Sunday of Advent